Our chiropractors, physiotherapists, & massage therapists can help, book now!
Chiropractic care involves a variety of treatment methods, but in general, focuses on manual therapy to the joints and muscles of the body, including the back, neck, shoulders, hips, ankles, knees and elbows. This may involve joint manipulations (adjustments) or mobilizations to help improve range of motion and decrease pain. Commonly these therapy techniques are coupled with specific Soft Tissue Release techniques to help improve mobility and decrease pain in the muscle tissues. The specific techniques used will depend on each patient's specific condition and comfort level, and all treatment programs will be coupled with a specific rehabilitative exercise program that fits the needs and goals of each patient
Massage therapy involves a variety of different hands on techniques provided by a Registered Massage Therapist, which can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions and is safe for all ages of patients. Treatment may involve specific muscles and tissues to help speed injury recovery, may be a more broad approach to help relax tension and generalized aches and pains, or may be an important part of your preventative care program to help improve your performance and keep you active. Massage therapy can be an excellent way of decreasing pain, improving joint and muscle mobility, aiding lymphatic drainage, and reducing muscle and fascia tension.
Physiotherapy involves a wide variety of treatment interventions to decrease pain while restoring/maintaining function, mobility, and general well-being. Each personalized treatment program is achieved through a combination of hands-on manual therapy, therapeutic modalities, rehabilitative exercises, and education. Physiotherapy is suitable for all ages and is used to treat a wide variety of conditions like acute injuries, chronic conditions, pre- and post-operative procedures, and concussions. Physiotherapy provides education on preventing further injuries, empowers patients to take control of their physical rehabilitation, while promoting health and fitness.
Medical Acupuncture, or electro-acupuncture, can be used for a variety of conditions or injuries and is an excellent therapy modality to add to any treatment plan. Traditional sterilized needles are inserted into tight, tender or injured muscles and joint tissues and connected to an electric stim-unit. This helps to increase local blood flow in injured and painful areas, stimulate muscle firing and nerve firing , and relieve acute and chronic pain.
Each patient is given a plan involving specific movements, stretches, and strengthening exercises to compliment their treatment plan. Exercises are based upon a thorough examination and diagnosis to help each patient manage their pain on their own and work towards their individual fitness or health goals.
Custom foot orthotics can be a great addition to your treatment plan to help in the treatment of foot, ankle, knee or hip pain. With prescription, we can offer custom orthotic fittings to help decrease your pain so you can get back to what you love.
We also offer consultation and fitting for custom knee braces, which may be necessary for conditions like: osteoarthritis, post-operative ACL or other ligament repairs, meniscus injuries or post-operative meniscal repairs.
Dynamic Tape is a form of kinesiology taping working to mechanically alter movement patterns by absorbing and redistributing load from your muscles through bigger ranges of motion. This is not your average kin tape, it is a nylon/lycra blend allowing 4-way stretch and increased tension capacity to help decrease pain, improve lymphatic drainage for recovery and encourage changes in neuromuscular function and recovery.
Current and evolving research has lead to big changes in methods of best practice for concussion rehabilitation. Every concussion is different but best practices involve a combination or: initial symptom-limited rest, manual therapy and acupuncture techniques for the neck and resulting whiplash of the injury, vestibular and balance therapy, progressive aerobic exercise retraining, ocular and vision therapy, and nutritional counselling. Our team can help assess your injury and create a treatment plan to help address and recover from your symptoms and get you back to work, school, and sport faster.